Fremont Wrestling Club FAQ

What is the Fremont Wrestling Club?

The Fremont Wrestling Club is a non profit, program to teach children the fundamentals of wrestling, sportsmanship, teamwork as well as handling individual achievements and disappointments.

Is wrestling dangerous?

Wrestling, like most physical education & activities, does have its share of injuries much like soccer, gymnastics, track, baseball, & football. All of these physical activities do have appropriate rules to prevent injuries. Wrestlers can protect them selves by learning the rules of wrestling. Most opponents of wrestling mistake our sport for what is seen on television (professional wrestling) and or have missed opportunities to watch wrestling at the elementary, high school, college, world, & Olympic levels.

Does my child need diet to make weight?

No child is encouraged or recommended to maintain a certain weight. Weight classes are determined the morning of a tournament by weighing in.

How can I or my child become involved or participate?

You may contact any of the Board Members or the Head Coach of the Fremont Wrestling Club.

How much money does it cost and what if we can not afford the dues?

 The club dues are $50 plus a $75 deposit on the team singlet. If a family can not afford the team dues please contact the Fremont Wrestling Club president or head coach.

Where is practice held and at what time?

Practice is held at the Fremont High School Wrestling Room. Practice times are from 6:30-8:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights for Open Wrestlers. Monday and Thursday nights from 6:00 – 6:45 for Novice Wrestlers and 7:00-8:30 p.m. for Open Wrestlers.

What is the difference between Novice and Open Wrestlers?

Novice Wrestlers are in their 1st or 2nd year of wrestling, or below .500 winning percentage. Open Wrestlers are 3rd year and above or with a winning record, or determined by Head Coach and parents.

What should I bring to practice?

You should wear a t-shirt, shorts and wrestling shoes. Also wear long pants and sweatshirt, hat, coat etc. due to winter weather.

Recreational League Registration:


What if I can not afford money to buy wrestling shoes?

We have some shoes available. Or you may wear tennis shoes that you only wear at practice and tournaments.

Do you compete in tournaments?

Yes. We compete in tournaments starting in January until April. With a few Dual Meets also.

Do you have to compete in tournaments?

No you do not have to compete in tournaments until you feel ready to if at all.

What are the benefits of putting my child in your wrestling program?

Your child will learn: self-discipline; teamwork; persistence; general health, exercise, & nutrition; fair play; self-motivation; goal setting; leadership skills; and how to apply critical thinking. This program is designed to help students discover their potential and realize it.

Are girls allowed to participate?

Yes girls are allowed and encouraged to participate. We have had girls participate in the past and many have been just as successful as the boys.

Health & Hygiene is a MUST!!

In order to succeed in wrestling you MUST eat healthy and practice proper hygiene!!

Parents and athletes this is VERY important. Being in the sport of wrestling does leave you at risk for skin infections. The coaches and staff have dedicated themselves to provide a safe, healthy and clean environment for every athlete. The practice mats are sanitized every day before practice, and during, if necessary. We also observe the athletes to ensure that we don’t see anything that may be a skin infection. We ask that you help prevent skin infection by showering immediately after you arrive home from practicing or competing, and washing your practice clothes and singlets after each use.

If you think your athlete may have a skin infection, DO NOT hide it from the coaches! NOTIFY a coach, before practicing or competing; we will let you know if we think it’s a skin infection that needs to be looked at by a doctor. The skin disease that most often occurs in wrestling is ring-worm, and in more serious cases, staph infection (MRSA). Ring-worms in particular tend to spread very quickly among teammates due to the constant skin-skin contact. This is why we cannot take risks with having an athlete with a skin infection.

Things to Keep an Eye out for on your athlete:

  • slight redness
  • constant itching
  • scaling
  • swelling
  • boils (pus-filled infections of hair follicles)
  • sty’s
  • Ring Worm
  • Staph Infection (MRSA)
  • Treatment

If a coach suggest that you be looked at by a doctor, this should be done immediately so that proper treatment can be made available to get the athlete back to practicing and competing.

Treatment may include oral medication and/or anti-fungal cream. Ringworm will usually respond rather quickly to anti-fungal pills. In order for the treatment to work, the athlete MUST BE DILIGENT in following the medication plan instructed to them by the doctor. Treatment takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks.

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