- Fremont Wrestling Club Tournament!
It’s finally the week of our tournament. The end of the season is coming and this is the kick-off to get it started.
The form for this tournament’s registration is here:
The flyer for this tournament is here:
Weigh ins for this tournament will be Saturday for all Fremont kids (more info on that later)
- More info about our tournament. Super important!
a) Raffle Tickets
First, ALL raffle tickets & money need to be turned in this week! Please come to practice ready to turn those in. We will have someone there getting everyone checked off our list.
b) Saturday Night
We are doing weigh ins for all of our kids for our tournament Saturday night at Fremont High School. There will be no weigh ins Thursday at practice. The reason we are having weigh ins Saturday night is because…
We need everyone to help put in some work Saturday night. This is independent of the work that we had everyone sign up for through Sign-Up Genius for Sunday’s tournament. Saturday night, most likely after 5pm when FHS activities are done, we need as many hands-on deck to meet at FHS to set up for our tournament. The more people we have, the quicker we can get this done.
c) Donation Forms
If you HAVE NOT received a donation form yet at practice, be on the lookout and make sure you pick yours up this week. This is a small donation that helps our concession stand.
- Huskerland Duals
If you are interested in being part of our Huskerland Dual team in Kearney for the weekend of March 7-9, then sign up on the board in the practice room ASAP!
The website to view information is here:
After this week, we will begin filling open spots with kids from other District 5 clubs to be sure we have a full team.
As always, any questions let us know.