1. Tournaments -Double Shot Weekend!

We mentioned our tournament schedule is subject to change. We’re calling in Audible this weekend.

First, the Lincoln tournament we originally planned will not be possible. Scratch that from the list.

Second, we’re getting crazy this weekend! We will have a Saturday AND Sunday option this weekend! Let’s go over the details first.

-Ashland-Greenwood Jr Wrestling Tournament – Saturday, Feb 8th

This is our Saturday option. 4 man round robin brackets the whole way through. Weigh Ins are available that day starting at 7 am and goes through about an hour before estimated session start time.

Registration Form:

-Wayne Wrestling Club Tournament – Sunday, Feb 9th

This is our Sunday option. 4 man round robins through 4th grade. 8 man brackets 5th grade and above. Last session is scheduled at 12:45. Assuming the tournament is on time and even including the drive home, you shouldn’t miss a minute of the big game.

Registration Form:

-Fremont Wrestling Club will have coaching covered for both days. No matter if you choose Saturday or Sunday you’re in good hands.
-But we will only be paying for ONE tournament for this weekend per kid. Only sign up ONCE!
-You do have the option to go to both if you would like. But one of the tournaments will have to be paid for by the parent. By now you should be getting a little more comfortable navigating through trackwrestling but if you need help signing up let us know.
-See Vinnie Monday and Monday ONLY with $25 cash and we will register on your behalf for the 2nd tournament. This is available Monday ONLY otherwise you’re better off registering yourself.

  1. Donation Items

With our tournament coming up, one of the last things on the agenda is donation items. As you drop off your kids this week please be sure to talk to staff. We will have a sheet for you for every wrestler we have. These sheets are a small amount donation item that we’re asking you to bring for our tournament.

  1. Raffle Tickets

Again, with our tournament right around the corner, it’s time to start turning in raffle tickets. We’ll have someone there to collect the tickets and the money for this. Any unsold raffle tickets leftover you still have need to be purchased by you.

As always, any questions let us know!

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