1. Tournament

We have two options for tournaments again. Please make sure you read below and click on the correct link to register for the correct tournament.

First option – West Point (Please find on track to download flyer)
They don’t have a novice / open separation for grouping. But it’s generally a smaller tournament than the Omaha ones.
Registration link:

Second option – BJSA (Please find on track to download flyer)
This is the OMAWA tournament with a novice / open division. This is in Bellevue and is a big tournament with a lot of kids that sign up.
Registration link:

  1. Huskerland Duals

We will be creating teams this year for Huskerland Duals.
Please visit the following link for all the info:

In short though
-It is the weekend between NEUSAW District and NEUSAW State (March 7-9)
-There is a boys 3rd-5th grade team
-There is a boys 6th – 8th grade team
-There is a girls team (all grades)
-It is the same weekend as AAU State in Kearney

We have sign up boards for everyone in the practice room. Find your age, find your weight and sign up. If multiple people sign up for a weight, there will be a wrestle off to determine who makes the team.

  1. Practice Monday

We WILL be having practice as normal tomorrow on Monday, January 20th.

Any other questions let us know.

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