1.  Reminder for all new and existing coaches.  We will be having a meeting TONIGHT at 7:00 pm at Godfathers in the back room.  For newer coaches, it’s a great way to meet the existing coaches.  We’ll be discussing our coaching strategy going into this season.

2.  Our Facebook page does mention Satellite Weigh Ins on Friday for the Heartland Havoc tournament this Saturday.  A few notes about this for our new parents and wrestlers.
a) This is NOT a club tournament.  When our tournaments start we’ll communicate with you.  They won’t start until January. 
b) You are more than welcome to sign up your own child for this tournament if you want. Since this is not a club tournament the cost will be out of your own pocket.  
c) Because this is not a club tournament if you do decide to sign up for it we can’t guarantee that we’ll have a coach for your kid.  Meaning you might have to coach yourself.
d) We STRONGLY advise if you are going to sign up that your wrestler has at least 2+ years experience and shown some success on the mat.  This tournament will have NO novice division and will have a lot of competition.  It is NOT a beginner friendly tournament.

Any other questions let us know.

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