1. Tonight (Tuesday) Practice
Because the Middle School is having a dual tonight our regular practice is going to change a little bit. Both Silver and Gold (all kids that do Tuesday practice) will meet from 6:30 – 7:30 tonight.

2. Tekamah Tourney
This Sunday’s tournament is in Tekamah. Flyer can be found at this link:
There will be NO satellite weigh ins for this tournament. Meaning pay attention to the flyer, make sure you’re there on time to get checked in and weighed in. Forms still need to be turned in at 7:00 Thursday to us however. If you don’t get the paper to us you won’t be on the list!

3. Volunteering – Fremont Tourney
If you haven’t already, sign up to volunteer for our tournament. We say volunteer but it is required if you have a kid in the club. We need LOTS of table help. If you haven’t already here’s the link to sign up:

4. Raffles – Fremont Tourney
The other part of helping us out for our tournament. Please start turning in all tickets and money to Eric.

As always any questions let us know.

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