1) Practice Today (There isn’t one)
There will be no practice today (Thursday, November 14th) at Lenihan. The mats for wrestling are unavailable. Instead, we would like to invite everyone to watch the FMS Girls Wrestling Team @ Fremont Middle School! It starts at 4:00 pm and ALL Fremont Wrestling Club kids can get in at no cost to watch this. Adults/Parents will have to pay admission.
This is a nice opportunity, especially for newer kids to see some older kids wrestling. Show your support, some of the girls on the FMS Wrestling Team are also FWC members!
2) Fundraiser
A couple of reminders regarding our cookie dough fundraiser.
First, this fundraiser is helping the club supplement the cost of new singlets across the board. Boys are getting all new singlets. Girls are getting their own singlets. The more help we can have with this fundraiser the better!
Secondly, fundraiser turn in date is going to be Thursday, November 21st, 6:30-7:30. We will have someone at practice during those times to turn everything in.
Lastly, fundraiser delivery date is scheduled for Monday, December 16th. More details on how that day is going to work is coming up.
3) FWC Club Business Owners
If your kid is in the Fremont Wrestling Club and you are also a business owner we’d love the opportunity to talk with you. Please email us or message on Facebook. Thank you